A Shower in Concord Got an Outstanding Service from Our Grout Sealing Crew
May 30, 2023
A homeowner in Concord had been trying his best to keep his shower looking pristine every day of the week. Sadly, he found no way to get rid of the mold once it adhered to the grout, both on the shower walls and all over the floor. The homeowner went back and forth between scrubbing the shower with different cleaners and looking for tips online. At some point during his search, he came across Sir Grout Concord.
At first, he was skeptical. He'd managed to maintain a clean shower for years and still hoped to make a breakthrough this time around. As he read about common causes of grout damage, however, the homeowner grew interested in getting an informed opinion from our Concord grout sealing crew. An in-home evaluation sounded like the ideal option, so he decided to give us a call and make his request.
A couple of days later, our specialists went to his home for the inspection. They assessed the shower and observed the grout while looking for cracks or other signs of structural damage. Mold and mildew spread evenly along all the grout lines, giving them a dark brown color that was impossible to ignore. Our techs also saw small bits of caulk that were growing loose around the horizontal joints, likely due to the water that had seeped into the grout and behind the tiles. Most cleaners do nothing to prevent the absorption of liquids and other external elements. In fact, they create a foamy film that only leaves the grout pores open to more damage. At the end of the evaluation, our techs gave the client a rundown of the problem and offered a solution: a full shower restoration including deep cleaning, sealing, and grout repair. The client was eager to bring back its shower's good looks so he immediately scheduled a new appointment.

Our techs returned with the necessary equipment later that week. First, they used a pH-neutral cleaner to remove the mold from all the grouts and eliminate all traces of soap scum from the tiles. Our product brings all the cleaning power you need in areas subjected to constant dampness, cosmetic residue, and regular wear and tear. It's the ultimate solution to get quick and long-lasting results. Following this, our techs steam cleaned the shower to enhance its protection against mold and mildew.
They started the grout restoration by focusing on the most affected parts of the shower, replacing the floor's grout, and removing the loose caulk from the corner joints. They installed a resistant epoxy grout to prevent the damage caused by the absorption of water around the tiles and make the seams more durable overall. For the walls, our techs applied ColorSeal to the grout lines on all sides of the shower. Our sealant can stand multiple external elements without letting them stain the grout. It inhibits the spread of mold and wards off different liquids while improving the grout's visual appeal. This is possible because our sealant is available in different colors so clients don't have to sacrifice the color scheme they've set for their shower to ensure the best protection.
Then, our techs applied sealant to the tiles and made sure everything was ready to call the client back into the room. As expected, he was delighted by the results. The shower looked spotless while exuding elegance from all angles. Its beauty was elevated by the perfect blend of colors that seemed to bleed from the tiles to all the grout lines. After taking his time to admire our crew's work, the client promised to recommend our services to everyone in Concord.
Before leaving the client's home, our techs gave him some additional cleaning pointers. They started by recommending pH-neutral cleaners like Sir Grout's Natural Hard Surface Cleaner when it comes to cleaning grout and high traffic surfaces. Unlike other products in the market, our cleaner provides maximum effectiveness, removing mold, mildew, soap scum, and other substances without a hitch. It can be used regularly without risking gradual damage because it has no chemical ingredients that could open the grout pores down the line. This also means that there are no toxic fumes to worry about while you work on your household chores.
The right cleaning tools can also go a long way to simplify your cleaning routine. Our specialists recommended using a towel or a squeegee over steel wools and other sharp tools. Non-abrasive tools gather the dirt more thoroughly without risking scratches on the tiles. Our techs ended the appointment with a general reminder to mind the room's ventilation as a way to prevent moisture buildup. Then, they left the house with the client's gratitude and the satisfaction of a job well done.
Don't hesitate to call Sir Grout Concord if you need to revamp your bathroom surfaces. We provide outstanding hard surface restoration services at the hands of the most knowledgeable professionals in Concord. You can always contact us by calling (704) 703-3681 or fill out our "Request a Quote" form to ask for an in-home evaluation. And don't forget to subscribe to our newsletter so you don't miss out on our latest promotions and updates. Trust Sir Grout Concord and we'll give you the best looking results!